I had a great time visiting with Jimmy at VA Pistol tonight. He always brings back memories from when he was stationed in Germany and of days when we were young and stupid. Of course I had to have a cup of his super strong Mississippi Mud while I was there. 🙂

The new shop is awesome and so much larger than the old one. Now Jimmy will have to order more stuff to fill the empty spaces. 🙂

Looks like I really missed out by not being able to come to the re-opening yesterday. Lots of new and old traffic…lots of people to meet and lots to talk about.

I couldn’t get a good picture of the beautiful handguns in the case due to the top glass being pretty scratched up. I’ll have to catch Jimmy or Greg when they pull all he pretty babies out of the gun safe one day. They are beauties.

I picked up that leather, inside the pants holster, that I had ordered months ago. I had changed my mind before about getting it, thinking it would be too uncomfortable to wear, plus I refuse to wear a belt to clip it on. Jimmy helped in adjusting it just right and I didn’t feel it even being there. Losing all this weight helped too, I’m sure.

Thanks Jimmy for the good conversation, laughs, trips down memory lane, and the hugs.


I’ve got one car chase for tomorrow. Pretty pointless since she gave the UPS Store as her physical address. It will be a miracle if the car happens to be parked in front of that store. I did find another address for her, which might help, but I have no idea how old the information is. I guess I’ll just have to see.


It’s time to bathe my pussy, so if I have time when I get back, I’ll take care of her. It’s been over a month and she’s due for one.


I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Tomorrow is Monday again…time is flying. Can’ wait for Sunday when Kenny and Cyndi are giving their Scion Labor Day Party and Cookout. I still don’t know what to bring! 😦