Downed Tree Limb Dilemma 5/24/17

Last Thursday’s storm left two tree limbs 
from my Maple tree in the common area of my subdivision.

Yesterday morning I received a message from the HOA.  I was told if I didn’t remove the limbs, they would hire someone and charge it to me.  I knew it was coming, but not so soon.  It’s been raining every day this week and I really didn’t want to deal with it until the weather changed.  Well, the HOA gave me until this Friday….Rat Bastards!
Today I left work early.  It was drizzling rain off and on, but mostly it was cloudy.  
I got out the trusty old reciprocal saw and started cutting the limbs up.  

After bending and breaking four blades I dragged most of the limbs in my 
backyard to dispose of when it was convenient for me.
This is now my backyard.  It looks like a jungle.

This is what I see when I sit on my chair. 

This is what’s left of the tree limbs.

My poor little saw can’t handle anything this big, I was fresh out of blades and it started raining harder.   I took these photos and sent them in an email to my HOA asking them how much I would be charged to just have this one tree limb cut up.  No answer yet.