Google Voice

Everybody that knows me, knows how much I hate to talk on the phone.  I have 450 minutes on my cell phone and I have never, ever used them up….not even gotten close.  I’m so bad about phones that I forget to even check my voice mails for weeks at a time.  I have missed to job assignments because of this.

The only reason I keep a phone is for emergencies and to get my e-mails.  I lay the phone on the passenger seat and have enlarged the fonts so that I can easily see them.  This way I can glance over and see if it’s something I need to pull over for or not.

Of course, when people started to talk about launching Google Voice I signed up right away.

Yesterday I finally received my invitation.  I installed it and even got to keep my own number.

Today I received a call while I was driving.  It was an unknown number so I didn’t answer it.   A couple of minutes later I received an e-mail.  The call was from a recording reminding me of my upcoming doctor’s appointment.

I guess I won’t be missing any more important calls. 🙂

Problem solved.   Now, back to finding that $1,700 I need for Wednesday. 😦

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