Sunday, July 25, 2021

Drill Brush

I got my drill brushes in and was supposed to clean the upstairs carpet, but I got side tracked by my grill.

Cleaning the grill

It was high time for a good cleaning.

Grill grates

I managed to un-clog all the holes in the grates with the brushes and a bunch of SuperClean. The drill brushes worked really well.

Brushes soaking in de-greaser

The brushes were totally black by the time I finished and I had to soak them in a bucket. First with SuperClean, then with Tide with Bleach in boiling water. They never did get clean. I should have used them on my carpet first. Oh well, I guess I’ll use these outside.

Drill brushes

After all that soaking, that’s as clean as they got.

Aluminum foil

After the battle of the brushes I got started on the window coverings for the back of the Prius. I used heavy duty aluminum foil and scrunched it up on the inside of the window to make a templet.


Then I laid it on top of the the Reflectix that I bought a couple of weeks ago to cut the pattern.

Window covering

Reflectix in the window.

Window covering

I then sprayed them with glue and attached them to some fabric that I had. I hot glued the edges and then attached another piece of black fabric on the other side making sure I left a little of the fabric on all sides. I wanted to be able to tuck the edges in.

Finished window coverings

All done and ready to be installed.

Window covering

This is the back corner window.

Window covering

Rear side window. The extra fabric on the top makes it easy to remove. It’s absolutely “light” tight.

Window coverings

View from the front seat. For the rear and front windows I ordered the gold colored window covers. I haven’t tried them out yet. Hopefully they are “light” tight too, if not, I’ll just have to modify them.

5Minute Glam Nails

5Minute Glam Nails for the week. I didn’t think I was going to like these, but they are growing on me.

Oh why do these weekends go by so fast?

Hope everyone has an awesome week.